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How to remove formalin from fish and fruit

Some unscrupulous traders are using formalin to keep the perishables fresh

The Dhaka Times Desk Formalin is a deadly poison. But to keep a perishable item fresh for a long time or for a long time, some unscrupulous traders are usually using this deadly poison. It is a poison that you cannot understand naturally. Formalin is used especially to keep fish and fruits fresh. And by eating these fruits and fish regularly, this deadly poison is entering our body and causing serious problems.

Adverse effects of formalin:

Formalin causes various problems in our body. Children and the elderly are more affected by formalin. Consuming formalin-containing fruits and other foods leads to decreased lung function, causing sneezing, breathing problems, and asthma. Formalin can cause cancer in the lungs and airways. There is also a serious risk for pregnant mothers. In giving birth, there may be birth complications, various birth problems of the child. Due to its effect, a deformed child may be born.

Attack of formalin in stomach, bone marrow and blood can lead to anemia and other blood diseases and even blood cancer. Formaldehyde destroys retinal cells by causing edema in the retina of the eye. This can lead to permanent blindness.

As a result of eating formalinized milk, fish, fruits and vegetables, children's immune system is decreasing day by day. Various diseases including loss of organs, disability and cancer are appearing.

Today we will know how to free formalin after buying fish and fruits from the market.

1. Rice washing water:

Dip the fish or fruit in the rice washing water for a while and wash it well with that water and then wash it again with clean water. Then almost most formalin will be removed from that fruit or fish.

2. Vinegar:

By mixing a little vinegar in water (10:1 ratio) and immersing fish or fruit in that water for 15 minutes, about 100% of formalin is destroyed.

3. Salt water:

To remove formalin from fish or fruits, soak them in salt water for 15-20 minutes. Then wash again with normal water. About 90% of formalin is released.

4. Normal water:

Foods can also be formalinized using plain water. Soak the fish or any fruit in plain water for about 1 hour. Then enough formalin is extracted from that food. However, if you leave the tab for 5-10 minutes without submerging it for 1 hour and put the fish or fruit under it, the formalin will come out. But this method causes huge wastage of water.

5. Cooking on high heat:

About 100% of formalin is destroyed during high heat cooking. However, fruits cannot be freed from formalin using high heat. Therefore, it is better to use the above methods to remove formalin from fruits and other vegetables.

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