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A strange skeleton on the beach in New Zealand!

Hanna Marie, a resident of Christchurch, New Zealand, found the skeleton while walking on the beach in Canterbury.

The Dhaka Times Desk This strange skeleton has been found on the beach of New Zealand. This strange skeleton has started a stir on social media.

নিউজিল্যান্ডের সমুদ্র সৈকতে এক অদ্ভুত কঙ্কাল! 1

A strange skeleton was found on the seabed of New Zealand. So the uproar has started on social media. No one is able to understand the matter, doubts have arisen as to what kind of animal this strange-looking skeleton could be. Various people are writing various things about this skeleton. Some consider it to be the skeleton of an alien creature.

Hana Marie, a resident of Christchurch, New Zealand, told the media about the issue that she went for a walk with her mother on the beach in Canterbury. At that time they saw this strange looking skeleton lying there. It was understood that it had floated in water. Up close, the skeleton has two legs, two wings, two teeth and a tail. The face is also quite pointed.

Neither Hannah nor her mother touched at first, thinking it might be something poisonous. In the end, however, Hanna and her mother bravely picked up the skeleton. Other beachgoers could not identify it either. Hanna was forced to approach a local animal conservation expert. But he also did not understand which animal skeleton it was.

Hanna finally took to social media. Hanna posted several pictures of the skeleton on her Facebook account in the hope that someone could say something. Everyone compares it with various marine fish. Someone else said, it is the skeleton of an alien creature. Someone says something else.

In the end, the conflict was resolved by the renowned scientist working at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Center in New Zealand. Malcolm Francis. The skeleton is of a special type of deep-sea stingray fish. Its scientific name is 'Dipturus nasutus'.

Scientist Dr. Malcolm Francis reported that the skeleton was that of a male fish. The things that look like claws in the wings are actually a type of bone. Which is possible only in men. They mainly use them during mating. The body of these fish is covered with thin skin.

They are absolutely harmless to humans. There is no poison in the body. Rather, their wings can also be eaten by humans. They usually prefer to live in the deep sea. But sometimes they are caught in the nets of fishermen. This expert said that the animal is up to one meter long.

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