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Egypt will now export dogs and cats!

Organizations working on animal rights in the country, including the country's popular football star Mohamed Salah, have urged the government not to implement the decision.

The Dhaka Times Desk Dogs and cats are going to be added to the list of Egypt's exports! The country's government has taken such a decision because the number of dogs and cats on the country's streets has increased.

মিসর এখন থেকে কুকুর-বিড়াল রফতানি করবে! 1

Egypt will mainly export stray dogs and cats. According to media reports, the Egyptian government has taken such a decision due to the recent increase in the number of dogs and cats on the country's streets.

It is known that recently many citizens of the country have applied to save these dogs and cats from the street. And for that purpose, the Egyptian government has taken such a decision.

However, such a decision of the government has been protested by the country's animal rights activists, including the popular football star Mohamed Salah.

The country's popular football star Mohamed Salah, along with organizations that work on animal rights in the country, have requested the government not to implement this decision.

According to Mohamed Salah, the government cannot in any way violate the rights of animals, whether humans or animals. Mohamed Salah said that he posted pictures of his two pet Siamese cats on Twitter.

With the hashtag 'No to Animal Rights Violation', Salah tweeted that cats and dogs cannot be exported anywhere. It never is - it can't be.

Many have retweeted against Salah. They said that first comes human rights, then animal rights.

However, the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has informed in this regard that the Egyptian government has taken such a decision to control the number of stray animals to keep civil life safe. They claimed that people's wishes have been given importance.

But the Egyptian government claims that the best way is to export about 4,000 street dogs and cats abroad.

Conscious people were repeatedly appealing to the government to take steps to control the birth of these bereft animals. This decision is a reflection of that.

According to various Egyptian news media, 2,400 cats and 1,600 dogs will be exported only after health checks and vaccinations are processed.

However, the country's government has not given any information about which countries and when these animals will be exported.

It should be noted that Liverpool striker Mohamed Salah complained that these Egyptian dogs and cats are being sent as food to other countries. Which can never happen.

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