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A truck driver won the lottery worth 2 thousand crore rupees!

There is no telling when a person's fortunes change

The Dhaka Times Desk A few days ago, he was a small truck driver by profession. But a lottery ticket changed his whole life. Because he won 2 thousand crores in the lottery!

২ হাজার কোটি টাকার লটারি জিতলেন এক ট্রাক চালক! 1

There is no telling when a person's fortunes change. Anything can happen in a person's life if God wills it. As happened with David Johnson of America. Because a few days ago, he was a small truck driver by profession. But a lottery ticket changed his whole life. Because he won 2 thousand crores in the lottery! Think for yourself once! Luck is! Such a fate or how many people can be?

This truck driver has won a lottery ticket worth 298 million dollars. In terms of money, the amount of which is more than 2 thousand crores! Therefore, 56-year-old American David Johnson wants to start a new life.

David, a resident of New York in the United States, bought some lottery tickets for $5 while filling his truck with gas on December 26 last year. However, since he fell ill, it was not possible for him to compare the lottery numbers.

A few days later one of his friends called him and told him that the winning ticket of this year's lotto was sold from that gas station. Still, Johnson could not trust his luck. So he did not even look at his ticket number.
Then on January 25, after checking his ticket number, his eyes widened. He finds that he has won the lottery jackpot known as the Power Ball. It was then that he decided not to do any more physically demanding work like truck driving. Even his wife at home could not believe him at first.

But David kept his emotions under control. He did not immediately claim the reward. Instead, he kept the lottery ticket carefully so that it would not be lost in any way. Then he contacted the authority of the lottery. David Johnson wants to buy a red Porsche car and a nice house in New York for his wife and daughter with the lottery money.

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