The Dhaka Times
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193 Bangladeshis detained from shops in Indonesia

These Bangladeshis are victims of human trafficking

The Dhaka Times Desk The country's police arrested 193 Bangladeshis from a locked shop in Indonesia. They were lured to Malaysia and detained there.

ইন্দোনেশিয়ায় দোকান হতে ১৯৩ বাংলাদেশী আটক 1

They told the police that they entered Indonesia via the cities of Bali and Yogyakarta on tourist visas to go to Malaysia for work purposes.

Feri Menang Sihit, head of immigration in North Sumatra, Indonesia, told the media that these Bangladeshis were victims of human trafficking. They were lured to Malaysia by being lured by good work opportunities. All of them were locked in Medan on the island of Sumatra.

When these Bangladeshis were rescued on Wednesday night, all were healthy. They were then taken to an immigration detention center. Currently, the process of sending them back to Bangladesh is underway.

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