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The library is built on the tree!

A library has been made inside the trunk of the tree

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen many types of libraries, including mobile libraries, but we have probably never heard of a tree-based library. This is such a strange news that the library is built on the tree!

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One of the many organizations started to encourage reading is 'Little Free Libraries'. This organization helps to establish small libraries around the world. Currently, 75 thousand libraries have been created in 88 countries with the help of this non-governmental organization.

Some of these thousands of libraries are quite unique. Among these, the Shirley Howard Library in the US state of Idaho surpasses the others.

It is seen that there is a big dead shimul tree in front of the house. Shirley did not know what to do with the tree. He did not want to cut down this 110-year-old tree completely. So Shirley himself took the tree trunk. Since he is a librarian and an artist, a funny idea came to him. The Little Free Library helped implement his plan.

A library has been made inside the trunk of the tree. Anyone can read books from this library. A canopy has also been provided on top. The tree-library interior and exterior light decorations are beautifully decorated with books. No doubt anyone will be surprised to see this. You can also think that this amazing library appeared from the world of fairy tales! Anyone can think so.

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