The Dhaka Times Desk A teaser has been revealed. And Jaya showed surprise in that teaser. The name of this new film is 'Beauty Circus'.
He has not been seen in such a role before. But she proved once again that she is a cast actress. This time in the new movie 'Beauty Circus', actress Jaya once again proved her multifaceted talent.
This is the first time Jaya Ahsan played the role of a circus worker. The shooting of this government funded movie started in 2016. However, due to various reasons, the shooting was stopped in the middle. But now the good news is that the movie is finally going to be released. Through this, the end of the long wait is about to happen.
Producer Mahmud Didar said that the shooting of the movie is about to be completed. The teaser of the movie 'Beauty Circus' was also released on Thursday. The teaser was also released on the official Facebook page of the movie, on the Facebook page of the production company Impress Telefilm.
Jaya is seen smiling in the one minute and 37 second teaser. Jaya was a gorgeous woman to show the circus game.
Sharing the link of the teaser on the official Facebook page, Jaya Ahsan wrote that, 'Beauty Circus' is going to be released in cinema halls soon.
In this regard, the producer Mahmud Didar said, 'Finally the movie is going to be released. Due to lack of budget, we are a little late in finishing the shoot.'
It should be noted that the movie was shot in different locations of Naogaon and Manikganj. Apart from Jaya Ahsan, Ferdous, Tauqeer Ahmed, Shatabdi Wadud and others acted in this movie.