The Dhaka Times
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Mita Noor had a suppressed nature. Even if he was upset, he didn't say anything

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular TV actress Mita Noor was very stressed. Even if he was upset for some reason, he would not say anything to anyone.

Mita noor-6

When a person lives, his good aspects do not arise. But when he crosses over, all his good sides come out - perhaps this is the rule of the world. 'Even after the death of popular actress Mita Noor, good things are coming out about her. Various life stories of Mita Noor are being printed in newspapers and magazines. Mita Noor was a good friend and ideal mother. Walking with her as a life partner was like a friend. Leaving like this was out of the question.'

According to online news media, Sahanur Rahman Majumder alias Rana, the deceased's husband, was interrogated for three hours yesterday on the morning of July 3 to unravel the mystery of Mita Noor's death. A smart team of Gulshan police station interrogated Rana using various tactics. Apart from Rana, two children were interrogated during the three-hour interrogation. The workman and the driver also gave information during the interrogation. An officer of the interrogating team told the media, 'Sahanur Rahman spoke about Mita Noor's ideals during the interrogation. Appreciated as a good friend, life partner. During the 3-hour interrogation, he sometimes broke down in tears. However, Mita Noor's husband Rana sidestepped and objected to some questions. In response to a question from the police, he said, 'There is no question of anyone's estrangement with him.'

During interrogation, Sahanur Rahman said that there was defilement. Mita's husband also admitted, 'Mita was very pushy. Didn't say anything.' Rafiqul Islam, OC of Gulshan police station, said that popular actress Mita Noor's husband has been questioned about the woman's incident. He was told, we see in various media, there is talk about your alienation. Sahanur said that there is no such scandal. At the same time, when trying to know whether other women were visiting your buying house in Niketan, Mita's husband said that these informations are not correct. Police officials said that Sahanur Rahman wasted time in tears when questioned on various issues including the strained relationship with his wife. He said, I am saddened by the loss of my wife. The whole family is grieving. He requested not to ask such questions. Sahanur Rahman only admitted the issue of morale and said, yes, there was a quarrel and we reconciled it ourselves. But Mita was repressed, so she didn't say anything. A police officer said, Mita Noor went to her husband's buying office in Niketan and vandalized the items. Asked about the events of that day. The deceased's husband said that many things happen in the family. It's okay again.

The police team interrogated the maids Halima Begum and Shimu Akhter and the car driver Sabuj Mia using different techniques. The three-hour interrogation was conducted by two officers in a room where Meeta Noor's husband, Sahanur Rana, and several other police officers tried to elicit information from the children and workers separately. An official related to the investigation said, 'Mita Noor's mother Maryam has complained of torture. Such news has been printed in the newspaper. They talked with Maryam Sarkar about these issues. The police also spoke to Fazlur Rahman, the father of actress Mita Noor and the plaintiff in the case. Deputy Commissioner of Police Lutful Kabir said, 'The main aim of our investigation was to find out whether someone had induced Mita Noor to commit suicide or not. But no one made such a complaint. They made it clear that 'what has happened has happened and I don't want to go any further'. The Deputy Commissioner also said, 'Police are not outside the law. Nothing can be forced unless someone complains. And the motivation for suicide has to come from the family. But no such information was found in the interrogation. Officials said that further inquiries will be made if necessary. The autopsy report is clear about suicide, but the viscera report is awaited. The police said that it will take time for the viscera report to arrive.

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