The Dhaka Times Desk Knee pain is a big problem in women. Due to this knee pain, one has to face extreme problems in work from getting up and down. Today we will discuss about knee pain in women and how to treat it.
Many people over forty experience knee pain. Especially in the morning while sitting on the toilet or kneeling while praying. Most of them are women, especially knee pain starts soon after menopause. At this time, bone loss problems can also occur. The main reason for this is osteoarthritis. It is a type of arthritis. Arthritis is actually an ongoing disease, it only occurs occasionally. When the patient first feels the pain, the balance of weight between the legs shifts from side to side while walking. It causes a positional fault or slight displacement in the knee joint. As a result, the patient cannot sit with knees bent, has difficulty climbing or sitting down stairs or heights. Sometimes there is a clicking sound or tension in the knee. But this requires proper manual and manipulation physiotherapy treatment, which will help the patient to sit with broken knee.
What causes knee pain: Arthritic problems, traumatic problems, sports injuries, such as ligament or tendon injuries, meniscus injuries, patella or displacement, etc. Many times the lumbar nerve or nerves also cause knee pain. Again due to tumor. Cancer also causes knee pain.
Physiotherapy: Manual therapy – which cures the patient 70 to 80 percent.
Bringing the joint pair into correct position - this is called mobilization with movement therapy.
Manipulation therapy: Deep friction and myofascial release techniques, which soften the muscles and ligaments above and below the knee, resulting in less knee pain and a smoother feeling of the joint.
Isometric or strengthening exercises and stretching exercises, which increase knee strength and range of motion.
Dry needling: This process softens tight knee muscles. As a result, the patient can easily bend his knees, sit on the toilet with his knees bent, and pray while sitting down.
What to do: If the temperature of the knee is higher than normal, then give ice or cold compress, and if the temperature of the knee is normal, then give hot compress.
If the knee is swollen, reduce walking and keep it elevated with a pillow under the foot, use kneecaps if necessary. In case of sudden pain, take full rest and seek medical advice.
# Author: Dr. Moses. Chapia Akhtar, Consultant, Physiotherapy Foundation X-11, Noorjahan Road, Mohammadpur-Dhaka.