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Know the six guidelines to prevent women's stroke!

The Dhaka Times Desk Stroke or bleeding in the brain is a serious risk disease for both men and women. Women with high blood pressure, birth control, migraines or depression are at increased risk of stroke during pregnancy. The American Heart Association recently released 6 guidelines for reducing stroke risk in women – let's find out.


Controlling blood pressure, quitting smoking or controlling diabetes is usually the only way to avoid stroke. But since women's physiology is different, their tasks are slightly different. It is good to know about them so that we can make our loved ones aware about it.

1) Taking birth control pills: People who regularly take birth control pills must have their high blood pressure measured before taking them. Because its side effects increase the risk of stroke. Although the risk is low, the risk increases for women aged 45-49.

2) Pregnancy: Women with this condition have a slightly lower risk of stroke, but the risk of stroke increases during the last trimester of pregnancy and after childbirth. However, those with high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia during pregnancy may have a cesarean rather than a normal delivery. It is important to exercise caution in this situation.

3) Aspirin: Women can take aspirin if they have high blood pressure. Taking a small amount of aspirin reduces the risk of stroke by lowering blood pressure. It is more effective for 65 year olds.

4) Migraine: Women are four times more likely to suffer from migraines than boys due to hormonal factors. While migraine does not increase the risk of stroke, smoking and taking birth control pills do. So in these cases it is important to follow precautions including quitting smoking.

5) Irregular heartbeat: Women over the age of 75 should have a heart rate check or pulse check to determine the risk of stroke and receive appropriate treatment.

6) Menopause: Middle-aged people receiving hormone therapy for this condition may be at increased risk. In that case it is better not to take therapy.

Observing the physical status of women and men at risk of stroke, it is clear that it is important to be aware of certain aspects of women's physical health differently, and it is wise to take action in these areas to build a healthy life.

Reference: Newsmaxhealth

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