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10 Natural Ways to Reduce High Blood Pressure Harmful to Health

The Dhaka Times Desk High blood pressure puts people of all ages at risk. High blood pressure can cause various problems with your heart including heart attack, stroke, kidney failure. Many have high blood pressure themselves or older family members. Today we will tell you how you can reduce high blood pressure naturally.


Many people today use medical technology to try to control their high blood pressure. Many people may be able to control their blood pressure but in most cases the medication can cause side effects such as insomnia, dizziness, leg cramps and more.

Let's find out how you can control high blood pressure naturally.

Walk around: Walking is an ideal natural way to lower high blood pressure for hypertensive patients. Walking will increase the supply of oxygen to your heart, thereby lowering blood pressure. Regular walking every day can lower your high blood pressure. Besides, you can control your blood pressure by breathing vigorously. Therefore, every morning and evening, at least 5 minutes, slowly draw clean air into the stomach and slowly exhale.


Eat more potatoes: Northwestern University professor Linda Van Horn said it's healthy for anyone to eat potassium-rich foods. Besides, potassium-rich foods play a special role in maintaining normal blood circulation. Potatoes are rich in potassium. People with high blood pressure must not eat excess salt with food. Salt helps raise your blood pressure even more. Salt should be reduced in food as much as possible. Do not consume more than 1500 mg of salt per day.


Eat dark chocolate Dark chocolate is especially beneficial for heart patients. Dark chocolate helps in normalizing and facilitating the blood supply to the blood supply system of the body. One study found that 13% hypertensive patients who consumed chocolate had normalized blood pressure.


Eat soy foods: You can take supplements along with daily meals. Eating soy or low-fat dairy foods instead of sugary foods can reduce high blood pressure. High blood pressure is closely related to heart disease. So it is better not to eat animal fat like ghee, butter, meat fat.


Do not drink alcohol Alcohol is the main risk factor for heart disease or high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, definitely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.


Do not drink coffee Studies have shown that more than 5 cups of coffee per day carries special risks for the body. Earlier in another report we showed how drinking more than 5 cups of coffee a day can kill you.


Tea is beneficial for lowering blood pressure A study found that drinking a certain amount of tea from the tree can lower blood pressure in people. However, you should not drink more than 3 cups of tea daily.


Reduce workload: Livelihood is necessary for human survival but it must be standardized. The more work, the more pressure. Work stress increases your tension. As a result, blood pressure increases. So reducing work pressure will also reduce your blood pressure.


Relax by listening to music If you feel your blood pressure is high, rest. In this case, if you play your favorite music while resting, your mind will be very calm, thus your tension will be reduced and blood pressure will be normal. But when listening to music, listen to classical or Dhirloy songs. Breathing will speed up while listening to music and blood pressure will decrease.


Stop snoring during sleep: If you have a habit of snoring in your sleep, try to avoid it. Snoring reduces sleep, increases blood pressure. In addition, a research team at the University of Alabama found in a study that snoring increases aldosterone hormone in the human body, aldosterone hormone has a special role in increasing your blood pressure.


Source: The Times of India.

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