The Dhaka Times
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Startup World Cup is starting in Bangladesh

In the final phase of this regional competition on April 6, the top 5 startups of Bangladesh will be invited to participate in the main competition

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first time that Bangladeshi technology startups are getting a chance to participate in the competition to represent Bangladesh in the final stage of the Startup World Cup to be held in Silicon Valley.

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It is known that the world's technology startups will compete for a million dollar investment prize in this competition.

A 'meet the press' was organized at the Daily Star conference hall in the capital last Wednesday to give details about Startup World Cup 2019 Bangladesh.

Fenox Venture Capital and Generation Lee are jointly organizing the competition to select this startup. Phenox Venture Capital is one of Silicon Valley's top venture capital firms, ranked 16th in the latest international ranking of Mattermark Seed Stage.

On the other hand, Generation Limited, which works with the latest technology, has applied for IPO as the only software company in Bangladesh.

It has been informed that the regional competition titled 'Startup World Cup 2019, Bangladesh Powered by Generation' is co-hosted by Bangladesh Innovation Forum (BIF), RTV as media and Venture Capital and Private Equity Association of Bangladesh (VCPIAB) as partners. Tie Dhaka and Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) Bangladesh.

It has been informed that the 5 best startups of Bangladesh will be invited to participate in the main competition in the final phase of this regional competition on April 6. those who are interested It is informed that you can apply to participate in the competition by going to the link on March 20.

For the third time, this large international competition has been organized to find the next 'World Champion' among the world's best startups. This year regional startup competition is going to be held in 40 places of at least 40 countries including Bangladesh from 6 continents. Phenox will bring all regional competition winners to the championship competition, where they will compete for investment awards.

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