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Things that should be cleaned regularly in the house

There are some things in the house that can cause serious damage if not cleaned regularly

The Dhaka Times Desk. In the midst of various busyness, we forget to clean some very necessary things in the house. However, due to our forgetting, various problems are created later. There are some things in the house that you never think about cleaning regularly. But those things should be cleaned first. Today we will know the things that should be cleaned regularly in the house.

1. Door handles and locks:

We go out of the house many times throughout the day. And every time this lock and handle has to be used. Have you thought about how many germs can accumulate on this handle every day? It seems we don't clean them even once a month. Then think for yourself how many germs can accumulate here. So get them cleaned today. Various disinfectant cleaners are available to clean them. So look at the quality and buy a house.

2. Makeup brush:

You are busy doing makeup quickly because you are going somewhere. But after the makeup, he left without cleaning the brush properly. The next time you use this brush, the previously dried makeup will ruin your skin. So clean it well after use.

3. Basin tab:

We should keep the basin tabs clean regularly. Usually we close the tab after washing our hands and face. But because that tab is not cleaned for a long time, germs stick to it. So when we close the tab with our hands after washing our hands and face, the germs come back to our hands. So keep the basin tab clean regularly.

4. Remote:

Because the remote control of TV, AC, etc. is not cleaned regularly, germs accumulate in it. So germs attack our hands by using this remote. We should regularly clean these remotes with a brush.

5. Shoes, socks or sandals:

We wear shoes or sandals when we go out. But due to outdoor movement, various germs stick to it. So they should be cleaned regularly to avoid various diseases. Otherwise, when you wear the same shoes or sandals again, the same germs can attack your body.

6. Kitchen Dish Towel:

Dish towels are commonly used to wipe wet hands while cooking. Repeatedly wet hands and towels are wet, so germs from the air stick to them. So this towel should be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, if you wipe your hands again on that towel, the germs will stick to your hands.

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