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Zhang Zhi has been going to school for the past six years riding on his friend's back

This video from southwest China's Sichuan province has now won the hearts of millions of netizens around the world

The Dhaka Times Desk A friend carries another friend to school in China. Even carrying him up the school stairs sometimes. Sometimes running into big buildings. Sometimes moving from one class to another. The incident is now viral in the web world.

বন্ধু'র পিঠে চড়ে গত ছ’বছর স্কুল করছে ঝাং জ়ি 1

This video from southwest China's Sichuan province has now won the hearts of millions of netizens around the world. The boy in the white shirt is Shu Binyang. He is a sixth grade student at Hebaji Town Central Primary School in Meishan City, Sichuan. His friend Zhang Zhi has been riding on his back for the past six years.

Shu never skips a class for a day alone. China's official news agency Xinhua recently reported on Shu and Zhang's friendship. A website called Sichuan Online also spread the word of the friendly Shu.

Seeing that, many people lost their language. In this era of ultimate professionalism, what Shu has been doing for his friend for years, netizens think that no one can do for his relative nowadays.

According to media reports, Shu's friend Zhang was diagnosed with a rare muscle disease at the age of four. And like five children he could not walk. But because of his strong desire, he was admitted to the school. He developed a friendship with Shu'i from the first grade. It started from there. Now they are in sixth standard. Shu does everything from carrying Zhang to class to filling his water bottle.

Going to another classroom i.e. taking a special class. Submitting homework, feeding tiffin. Everything has been going well for a long time. A teacher of their school said that in the beginning, all the boys in the class used to help Zhang.

But as the years went by, everyone else's time for Zhang fell short. Their reading, playing, other activities also increased. No one else could look at Zhang while handling all aspects. But there are exceptions.

The same teacher said that at first, Shu's mother didn't even know her son did everything at school every day, from picking up his friends on his back. Mukhchora Shu himself did not want to tell the matter to the people of the house. Later Shu's friends told everything to his mother one day.

Is it difficult for someone your age to walk around on your back? In response to such a question, Shu said that he weighs much more than Zhang. Twelve years so freely said that, "I am more than forty kg." He is only about 25 kg. I am taller than him. Strong again. Besides, if I didn't, who else would have helped him.''

Zhang has no end of gratitude for such a friend. She says, “Shu is my best friend. Every day I read, play and talk with her. Thank you very much for being by my side all the time.

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