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Australia's 'egg boy' police warning

Anning was recently reprimanded by the Australian Senate for that comment

The Dhaka Times Desk An Australian senator was pelted with an egg for making racist comments after a mosque attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. The police have warned that 'egg boy'.

অস্ট্রেলিয়ার সেই ‌‘ডিম বালক’কে পুলিশের সতর্কতা 1

Last month a controversy broke out in Australia after the video of Australian Senator Fraser Anning breaking an egg on his head went viral on the net. Whether one of the two should be brought under the law for this incident, not only who will be brought under the law. The one who broke the egg or the one who counterattacked? However, after breaking the egg on the senator's head, the police decided that he attacked the assailant in self-defense. BBC news.

The 17-year-old, who gained notoriety by smashing an egg on his head in Anning, earning him the nickname 'egg boy', has been warned by police, but police said no formal charges would be laid against him.

There was also widespread public outrage against Anning after she made a statement blaming New Zealand's Muslim immigrants for mosque attacks.

Anning was recently reprimanded by the Australian Senate for that comment. Then, during a televised press conference, teenage 'egg boy' Will Connolly smashed an egg on the senator's head from behind.

In response to the incident, Anning's supporters fought off the attacker before the senator hit the boy himself.

Authorities said Tuesday that they had decided "not to charge" the senator with the crime of hitting the boy.

"A review of the circumstances reveals that the 69-year-old senator's response was essentially self-defense and there is no reasonable basis for any charges against him."

Although no legal action will be taken against the teenager who was attacked with the egg, the police said he will be 'formally cautioned'.

While many criticized the teenager for the egg attack at the time, he was also widely praised online. He was soon given the title of 'Egg Boy'.

An online campaign has also raised more than 80,000 Australian dollars (£43,000) for legal assistance he may need at that time.

In addition to receiving free concert tickets, teenage Will Connolly was praised by Australian celebrities.

The teenager also features prominently in some of the murals painted on the streets of different countries. 'I realize that what I did was not the right thing,' the teenager told local media Ten Network last month.

'But it was this egg that brought people together.' Senator Anning, however, did not apologize for her comments; However, after his comments, there was a huge public outrage against him and 1.4 million people signed a mass petition demanding his resignation.

However, Anning was formally censured by the Senate. The Australian Senate censured him for 'placing the blame for horrific crimes on the victims and blaming people on the basis of religion'.

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