The Dhaka Times Desk. The people for whom this environment was created are the same people who are destroying this environment. We do small things that are leading to destruction of the environment. It can be through our movement, food habits, habitat etc. Today we will discuss how it is possible to sustain the environment by changing the eating habits.
According to a study by the University of Oxford, our food accounts for a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Our production and consumption of food has played a major role in global warming.
1. Most people prefer to eat similar fish. As a result, the supply of that type of fish is decreasing day by day. Which has become a huge threat to the environment. From this, on the days of the week that you like to eat fish, develop a habit of eating different fish. Then there will not be too much pressure on one type of fish. As a result, the contribution of fish to the environment will be maintained.
2. Meat is a very tasty food. But many prefer to eat only one type of meat. For example, some prefer to eat only chicken, some prefer to eat beef, and some prefer to eat beef. Quit this habit from today. If there is no problem, start eating different meats. This will enable animals like cows, goats and chickens to minimize their impact on the environment. Otherwise, the balance of the environment will gradually be lost.
3. Although smoking is a serious problem, it is legal in our country. Every year we smoke a lot. Due to which we are suffering financially along with environmental pollution. But if it is possible to reduce this smoking, we will benefit financially as well as protecting the environment.
4. We consume a lot of vegetables as vegetables. But there are some vegetables that not everyone eats. As a result, the cultivation of all those vegetables is decreasing. All types of vegetables should be cultivated to maintain the balance of an environment. Because the fertility of the land is destroyed by cultivating the same vegetables repeatedly on the same land. So we should keep all kinds of vegetables in our diet. As a result, the demand for all vegetables will increase and their cultivation will increase. As a result, the balance of the environment will be correct.