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Scientists gave new information about the birth of the moon!

Scientists have now given information about the birth of the moon

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to research on the moon. Various information has been given by researching the moon at different times. Now scientists gave new information about the birth of the moon!

বিজ্ঞানীরা চাঁদের জন্ম নিয়ে দিলেন নতুন তথ্য! 1

There is no end to research on the moon. Various information has been given by researching the moon at different times. Now scientists gave new information about the birth of the moon!

Scientists have now given information about the birth of the moon. According to scientists, a planet the size of Mars crashed into the earth 450 million years ago. And that is why the moon was born. Scientists have given this information by analyzing rocks brought from the moon. This information has emerged in a recent report in China.

Researchers at a Chinese university have found chlorine isotopes in rocks brought back from 3 lunar surfaces by NASA. Which is created only in high-quality conflicts. A scientist of the research team said that the moon was formed due to a huge collision.

The new study is believed to open up new horizons about the moon's birth history. Researchers have reported that Earth was hit by an object the size of Mars. Because of this shock, the moon was born! However, scientists continue to do more research on this topic.

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