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How to understand the sweetness of watermelon?

You need to know the strategy of buying sweet watermelon

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently summer is going on. Many of us love to eat watermelon during summer due to unbearable heat. If this fruit is not sweet, it is not very good to eat. How to understand the sweetness of watermelon?

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To know whether watermelon is sweet, you need to know the strategy of buying sweet watermelon. Let's see how to know if a watermelon is really sweet:

When buying # watermelons, you must look for the yellow color on the head of the watermelons. If it has a yellow color, it means that the watermelon is ripe. It will be sweet when ripe.

# When buying a watermelon, tap on the watermelon. You will know that the watermelon is ripe when it makes a heavy sound.

# If the inside of the watermelon feels hollow after handling, then the watermelon is still unripe. Raw watermelon is less sweet.

# Ripe watermelon also has a lot of juice. That's why watermelons are heavy.

# If the watermelon is even, it is more likely to be ripe.

# Ripe watermelons are usually dark, black in appearance.

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