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How to understand your child's intelligence is ahead of others

Many children develop intelligence at a very young age, while many children develop intelligence late

The Dhaka Times Desk A parent's highest expectation is that his child should be a little more intelligent than others. Although there is a certain time for children's intelligence to develop, many children develop enough intelligence at a very young age, and many children develop intelligence a little later. But sometimes due to malnutrition and lack of proper environment, children's intelligence takes time to develop.

Today we will know some ways to know how developed our children's intelligence is.

1. Always question:

Children can ask different kinds of questions to know the unknown. A child who is interested in asking these questions must be developing his intelligence quickly. So notice if your child has the habit of asking these questions. Never bother asking children questions or act as if you are bothering to ask questions that children understand. Always try to answer their questions correctly and encourage curiosity.

2. To check if you remember something:

After teaching your child new things, check how much he remembers after a while or after a few days. For example, after some time after meeting a new person or thing, show that person or thing and ask your child to know it. If he can correctly describe that person or thing, then you know that your child's intelligence is developing rapidly.

3. Interest in talking:

Notice how eager your child is to talk. You can teach him new words. See if he repeats what you say. If your child tries to repeat what you say, you will know that his intelligence is increasing.

4. Expression of interest in an unknown work:

There are many children who try to take their new toys apart from all the joints and try to re-set the openings themselves. Many parents look down on the matter and sometimes even get angry with their children for this behavior. Don't forget to do that. If your child has such qualities, it is definitely a sign of good intelligence.

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