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Unusual death and some curses!

Many things in the world are associated with 'evil' or 'cursed' labels

The Dhaka Times Desk Many things in the world are associated with 'evil' or 'cursed' labels. Some are considered to be so cursed that the mere thought of them makes one cut in the groin. Today's report is about some such cursed things.

অস্বাভাবিক মৃত্যু ও কিছু অভিশাপ! 1

Phone Number (+359 888 888 888)

This (+359 888 888 888) number is deactivated after ten years of use in Bulgaria. Popular belief is that among the three people who registered this number in their names, one died of cancer and the other two died mysteriously.

'The Crying Boy' painting

The painting titled 'The Crying Boy' was painted by Italian painter Giovanni Bragolin. He also got a lot of popularity for the film. The film also became so popular that portraits of this film adorned many homes in Britain at the time. But everyone who kept the original picture had their houses mysteriously caught on fire. But every time everything burns, the picture remains intact!

Basano Bhas

In the 15th century, a woman in Italy gave a handmade vase to her husband on their wedding night. The woman was killed that night. He had that vase in his hand. Locals claim that after that someone died in the family to whom the vase went. The vase was said to be 'cursed' and subsequently no one wanted to take it. No one knows where this vase is now. However, it is believed to have been buried under the ground at an unknown location.

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