The Dhaka Times
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In search of the strangest news of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk How many events are happening in the world every day. We are satisfied with only those events that appear in the Greenage Book of Records. But beyond this there are many other fun facts that make us happy even for a while. Some of these interesting facts are presented in front of you.

The largest ship in the world

How many stories have we seen about Titanic? He has impressed the people of the world by making a movie about the true incident. But a much larger ship than the Titanic has been built, the eighth largest ship, the Jhabdhang - currently the largest passenger ship in the world. The ship is 1,181 feet (360 m) in length and 236 feet (72 m) in height.বিশ্বের আজব খবরের সন্ধানে 1
The ship has 16 decks for passengers. The ship has a passenger capacity of 6300 people on all decks. The ship has all modern facilities including hall room, theater, skating, coffee shop, park, swimming pool. The speed of the ship is 41.9 km per hour. The ship cost 1.2 billion US dollars to build.

World's largest paper airplane

According to the Daily Mail, many people have a hobby of playing with paper airplanes. But some of them want to fly in the sky like a dreamer with a paper airplane. Perhaps no one can say for sure when this dream is secretly moving in the mind of Khayali. However, a group of young people from the city of Tucson, Arizona, United States, fulfilled their dream of flying a large paper airplane in the sky. To fulfill their dream, they built the world's largest paper plane. It weighs eight hundred pounds. Length 45 feet. The length of each branch is 24 feet. After taking off, the aircraft remained in the sky for only 6 seconds. But the speed was 98 km per hour. The aircraft is named 'Arturo Desert Eagle' after its visionary, 12-year-old young Arturo.

carrot daughter

According to Daily Mail, carrots are presented on the table as a favorite food of people in many varieties. But not only food, but also as a decorative element, its value is a little higher. Recently, a 31-year-old woman from California, USA, Gigi Howen, who is known as the carrot girl, came to the TV show with such a strange carrot-decoration. He demonstrated his carrot magic by taking part in My Crazy Obsession, a competition TV show about strange things. He shows off his excellent carrot-craftsmanship with the help of music and dance. Ankit performed carrot tattooing with around 1000 carrots on different parts of the body. On the ears, neck, head, waist - everywhere he shows the diversity of carrot tattoos.

7 million dollar ring!

According to Daily Mail, a gold trading company based in Geneva, Switzerland, made this diamond ring worth 70 million dollars for the first time in the world. It took about a year to make this ring with 150 carats of diamonds. The ring was originally designed in April 2011. A company named Shawish Jewelery took the initiative to make these rings. It is made on the occasion of marriage engagement ceremony. The company's CEO said about this, the creation of the ring will give our customers the confidence that we can make something incredibly beautiful. He said, it has been proved that nothing is impossible for people.

Coffee painting now!

We drink a cup of coffee at leisure or tiredness, the whole mood seems to be invigorated. But the use of coffee as a painting material creates a whole new taste sensation. Which no one ever thought. A young Malaysian artist painted such an unprecedented painting. The image of her favorite Taiwanese singer Jay Chou is painted on the mug with coffee. Hong Yi, a 25-year-old painter, is a huge fan of Chow's music. So to express his devotion, he decided to turn Chou's picture of coffee into a painting from the first words of one of his songs - SECRET. Hong has also succeeded in this. And in this way he crowned the first glory of painting with coffee.
- Based on web news

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