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Fundraising initiative to reward finder of missing Malaysia plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk People may have forgotten about the missing Malaysian plane. But to remind people once again, a fundraising initiative has been taken to find the missing plane.

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After many days, the story of the missing Malaysian plane came to the media again. Now it is said that the correct information about the location of the missing plane will be rewarded. And so the relatives of the passengers of the plane have taken the initiative to collect funds to do this work.

According to the media, Ethanah Hunt, a relative of the missing plane, the owner of a technology company, has already started collecting funds for the purpose of giving a reward of at least 50 million dollars.

According to a BBC report on Sunday, the new initiative has been named 'Reward MH370'. They are fundraising on Indiegogo (Indiegogo) has also launched a web site called

The search for the aircraft is the most expensive in history with the joint participation of many countries in the world, but its results are zero. Rather, there are claims from various quarters that the plane was 'knowingly' diverted from its destination. And in that context, the relatives have taken the initiative to reward the right informer. In a press release, the relatives said that this measure is being taken to encourage accurate information about the plane.

It should be noted that the Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared on March 8 with 239 passengers. Analyzing satellite data, officials said at the time that the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean northwest of Perth, Australia. But searching the area for many days did not find any trace of the plane. Scientists have even found signs of aircraft black boxes under the ocean floor using sophisticated wave technology. But the result was zero. This aircraft is still in the list of mysterious disappearances in the history of the world.

Former Malaysian President Mahathir Mohamad has accused the US intelligence agency CIA and the aircraft manufacturer Boeing of concealing information about the fate of the plane.

In addition, UK-based Anglo-American journalist Nigel Cawthorn claimed that the plane was shot down during a joint exercise by the armies of several countries, including the United States, somewhere near the Vietnam Sea.

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