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The co-founder of Facebook wants to close Facebook now!

Chris Hughes co-founded Facebook in 2004 with CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskowitz at Harvard.

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook is one of the social media in this technology-dependent era. Currently, Facebook has more than 200 million subscribers. But the shocking news is that the co-founder of Facebook wants to close Facebook now!

ফেসবুকের সহ-প্রতিষ্ঠাতা এখনই ফেসবুক বন্ধ করতে চান! 1

The company-owned WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram each have more than 1 billion users. However, Mark Zuckerberg's former roommate and co-founder of Facebook Inc., Chris Hughes, made a surprising comment in an article recently published in the New York Times. In his opinion, Facebook should be closed now.

According to Chris Hughes, 'We are a country where monopolies have been given the reins, no matter how well-intentioned the owner of a company. Mark's power is unquestionable and un-American.'

It should be noted that in 2004, Chris Hughes founded Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskowitz, the company's chief executive officer. He left the company in 2007 and later announced in a post on LinkedIn that he had earned $500 million after three years with Facebook.

Chris Hughes said, 'It's been 15 years since I co-founded Facebook at Harvard. It is also true that I have not done any work for that company in the last decade. Yet I suffer from anger and a sense of responsibility.'

In his words, 'Mark is a very good and kind man. However, due to the focus on development, he has forgotten about security and decency while increasing clicks. He is always surrounded by people and activists who fuel his beliefs without challenging them.'

However, no response has been given by Facebook regarding such a comment by Chris Hughes.

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