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Some Home Remedies for Pimples

A special thing that spoils the beauty of the skin is called warts

The Dhaka Times Desk. A special thing that spoils the beauty of the skin is called warts. Warts can appear on your body at any age. And it is a substance that stays in the body for a long time. Warts, especially on the face, hands or external parts of the body, spoil the beauty. Then you feel bad for yourself. Today we will learn about some magical home remedies to get rid of body warts.

1. Garlic:

Garlic is not only used as a spice. Garlic is also used as a special medicine for various diseases. You can use garlic to treat warts. Leave a clove of garlic on the wart for some time, then wash it off with lukewarm water. If you do this for 5-7 days, the wart will get better.

2. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is a natural plant full of medicinal properties. Aloe vera works very well to remove warts. Cut some parts of an aloe vera leaf. Apply the gel inside the leaves well on the wart. Leave it for a few hours and wash it off. If you apply the gel like this for 5-7 days, the wart will fall off immediately.

3. Banana peel:

Banana peel is very beneficial for our skin. Those who have rough skin, rub the inner part of the banana peel on their face for a few days, the roughness of the skin is removed. It also helps in curing warts. In the part of the skin where warts are present, the inner part of the banana peel should be shaken well for a few days. In a few days, the warts will peel off the skin.

4. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil can also be called an antiseptic. Because this oil is effective enough to remove any skin infection quickly. You can use this oil to remove skin warts. First soak some cotton in water. Now soak that wet cotton in tea tree oil and apply it on the wart. Leave it like this for 1 hour. Then wash it off with water. Using this thrice a day will remove the pimples from the skin very quickly.

5. Onion juice:

You can use onion to remove warts. For this you need to finely chop a medium sized onion. Now mix half a spoonful of salt with chopped onions and keep it covered with a lid for the whole day. Apply it on the warts before going to bed at night. Wake up in the morning and wash the turmeric with warm water. If you use it like this for a few nights, the wart will heal quickly.

6. Pomegranate peel:

Dry and grind the pomegranate peel. Now mix lemon juice with that powder and make a paste. Before going to bed at night, remove the wart and apply petroleum jelly around it. Now apply this mixture on the wart. Get up in the morning and wash it off with lukewarm water. Your warts will heal within a few days.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is very effective for treating warts. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Now before going to sleep at night, keep aside the wart and apply petroleum jelly around it. Then put a wet cotton on the wart and tie it with a soft cloth. In the morning, remove the cotton and wash it with lukewarm water. If you do this for 4-5 days, the warts will fall off quickly.

If you are suffering from pimples, start applying one of the remedies as soon as possible. Hope you can heal the warts quickly and bring back the beauty of your skin.

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