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Pope Francis is going to Iraq for the first time

He disclosed this at a meeting organized by several charities that help Christians in the Middle East and other areas last Monday.

The Dhaka Times Desk Pope Francis, the most religious leader of the Christian community, is going to Iraq for the first time after the Arab Emirates to solve the ongoing crisis in the Middle East.

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He gave this information at a meeting organized by several charities that help Christians in the Middle East and other areas last Monday.

The Pope said he will visit war-torn Iraq sometime in 2020. As such, this will be his first visit to Iraq. The supreme religious leader of the Christians also said that the country has been in a state of war for a long time. There is a bloody holy game going on.

"Whenever I think of Iraq, I am deeply moved," he said. He said, I want to go there next year.

International media have been reporting that many Christians fled the country when Iraq turned into a battlefield due to IS's recent attacks. A few months ago, Pope Francis blamed America and Europe for the civil war in the Middle East.

In a speech given to teachers and students at the San Carlo Institute, Pope Francis said America and Europe are responsible for terror and blood in the Middle East. Selling lethal weapons is forcing those weapons into the chests of tender children. Many children are dying every day. Thousands of families have also been affected. He added that the full responsibility rests on Europe and America.

There are many Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches in Iraq. Former Pope John Paul once wanted to visit the ancient city of Ur in Iraq in 2000, but was later unable to go. However, it has been informed that the decision may change in the light of the situation.

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