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Water will be available at the ATM booth!

The report has warned that nearly 60 crore Indians will have to face severe water crisis in the coming days

The Dhaka Times Desk Day by day everything is becoming more and more dependent on technology. This time another thing is connected with technology and that is water. This time water will be available in the ATM booth!

এবার পানি পাওয়া যাবে এটিএম বুথে! 1

As the days go by, it seems that everything is becoming dependent on technology. That day is not far away, when people will forget all the problems and find a drop of water. Day by day the water crisis has intensified all over the world. A recent report of a commission of the country gave a glimpse of how the wave of that crisis will hit our neighboring country India.

The report said that by 2020, India's capital New Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru will run out of groundwater in 21 cities. Not only that, by 2030 40 percent of people in India will not have any potable water.

The report has warned that nearly 60 crore Indians will have to face severe water crisis in the coming days.

Drinking water crisis has already taken dire shape in various parts of South India. To deal with that problem, a few months ago, water ATMs were installed in some places in South India on the initiative of public and private organizations.

In January this year, water ATMs were installed at Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh under the initiative of ONGC. From that ATM, 20 liters of water is given per family every day. About 3500 families are benefiting from this ATM in that area. It is expected that the service of this water ATM booth will increase in the future.

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