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Richie Solaiman will be seen in Eid drama-telefilm and presentation

He has already joined the shooting

The Dhaka Times Desk Richie Solaiman, the once-busiest actress, lives in America with her husband and two children. He returned home with his children on June 13. Richie Solaiman will be seen in Eid drama-telefilm and presentation.

ঈদের নাটক-টেলিফিল্ম ও উপস্থাপনায় দেখা যাবে রিচি সোলায়মানকে 1

This popular actress Richie Solaiman will be seen in several dramas and telefilms in the upcoming Qurbani Eid. He has already joined the shooting. But this time he is also joining a new career identity. And that is the role of the presenter. This time he will be seen presenting in a different genre. This is the first time in his career that he is going to perform at an event.

The shooting of the program is also going on in FDC. Richie said, 'It's always nice to try something new. I have received offers to present before. However, it was not done due to various reasons. I feel good now that I can do the job because the ball matches with the bat.'

It should be noted that Richie Solaiman, a popular actress of the 90s, gained wide popularity by working in commercials and dramas. In his long career, he has been seen in more than one and a half hundred dramas. Ritchie has worked in more than 40 serial dramas. Richie's big screen debut was in Shahnewaz Kakali's 'Neerab Prem'.

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