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Al Qaeda threatened war against Indian Army

After coming to power for the second term, the Modi government has not taken a strict stance on Kashmir recently

The Dhaka Times Desk Al Qaeda has declared a direct war against the Indian Army in Jammu and Kashmir. In a video message, Al Qaeda chief called for this jihad.

আল কায়দা যুদ্ধের হুমকি দিলো ভারতীয় সেনার বিরুদ্ধে 1

A video was recently released by the organization. Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri ordered the militants to attack the Indian army and the government of the valley without compromise.

After coming to power for the second term, the Modi government has not taken a strict stance on Kashmir recently. Union Home Minister Amit Shah has also given a message that there will be no compromise with terrorism. Then, the separatists were arrested house to house in the valley. Investigation has been started on their income-expenditure accounts as well. An official of the Union Home Ministry claimed that Zawahiri had given this message so that the militants in the valley would not lose their morale in such a situation.

It should be noted that the East African terrorist organization Harkat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen expressed its loyalty to Al Qaeda founded by Osama Bin Laden in 2012. Recently they have brought forward that video of Zawahiri. Washington's national security and foreign policy organization 'Foundation for Defense of Democracy' verified its authenticity. They have also published Zawahiri's message in detail on their Long War Journal website.

Dressed in white, with a firearm on his right and a Quran on his left, Zawahiri began speaking in the video titled 'Don't Forget Kashmir'. In which he said, "In my opinion, the Mujahideen of Kashmir need to prioritize an uncompromising strike against the Indian Army and the state government at this time." The financial system has to be broken down so that India is face to face in all aspects of manpower and equipment.''

Zawahiri also said, "The struggle in Kashmir is by no means an isolated struggle, but a jihad of the entire Muslim community against the Indian Army." The message should be spread everywhere that the infidels are occupying the Muslim countries, until they are driven out, supporting jihad in Kashmir, the Philippines, Chechnya, Central Asia, Syria, the Arabian subcontinent, Somalia, the Islamic Maghreb (the Muslim countries of North Africa) and Turkestan. It falls within the moral responsibility of all Muslims in the world.”

Zawahiri also pointed out that Pakistan is carrying out terrorist activities in Kashmir mainly through border terrorism. Along with that, Zawahiri also criticized India and Pakistan as agents of America. Comparing Pakistan's Kashmir policy with the Taliban and infiltrating militants, Zawahiri said, "Pakistan has not allowed Arab Mujahideen to enter Kashmir even after expelling Russia from Afghanistan. They have only used Mujahideen to serve their political interests. "Religion has no place in Pakistan's conflict with India, and US intelligence has played a role in this border dispute," Zawahiri said.

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