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Mobile app will now find cancer microorganism in food!

Walnuts and oranges contain the highest number of cancer-fighting microorganisms

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, a mobile phone application is being used to detect cancer-causing microorganisms in different types of food. This application named DreamLab has been downloaded more than 83 thousand times so far.

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According to a study, carrots, walnuts and oranges contain the highest number of cancer-fighting microorganisms.

This app works only when the mobile phone user is asleep, i.e. when the mobile phone is lying idle.

According to experts, the whole world has a 'long way' to go in terms of medical development. The app uses an algorithm to check more than 8,000 food particles every day. A database containing detailed information is created based on that. Basically, through this, only those microorganisms are found which are proven successful in suppressing cancer in various lab tests.

Grapes, cilantro and cabbage are high in this anti-cancer microorganism. Research suggests that currently available anti-diabetic and anti-microbial drugs may play a role in cancer eradication therapy.

Dr. Imperial College London's Department of Surgery and Cancer Chief Researcher. Kirill Veselkov said, 'This is an important moment for us. The next step will be using AI technology to see how different drug combinations and food-based microorganisms affect humans.'

Cancer Research UK's health information officer Willyn Wu said the research could lead to or lead to new cancer therapies. Essentially the therapy that is naturally present in our food and drink.

'This method has a long way to go in the treatment of cancer. It remains to be seen whether it is at all effective in treating cancer.'

'More important than eating any one particular type of food is your overall diet to reduce cancer risk.'

'It has been proven that you can reduce your risk of cancer by eating more fiber-rich foods, especially fruit and vegetables. It is also very important for you to reduce your intake of processed meat, red meat and high-calorie foods.

According to a BBC report, this application was developed on the basis of a partnership between Imperial College London and the Vodafone Foundation. The results were published in the journal Nature.

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