The Dhaka Times Desk Even a 5-year-old child was not spared from the hands of the Israeli soldiers. A 5-year-old Palestinian child named Wadi Mawadeh was dragged away by Israeli soldiers. His crime was that he threw a stone at Israeli soldiers.
According to the online news media, the Israeli soldiers did not stop with dragging the child - after that the child was blindfolded and his father was also handcuffed and taken to the police check point in front of the people.
Israel's human rights organization Beit Salem said seven soldiers and an army officer detained Wadi and kept him in Hebron for two hours. He was then handed over to the Palestinian police. Beit Salem reported that Wadi's mother refused to hand over her child to the soldiers. When Wadi's father returned half an hour later, both were taken to an Israeli army base. At one point, when an Israeli lieutenant colonel came, Wadi's father tried to explain it to him. He asks the reason for stoning Wadi and at one point scolds the soldiers for arresting father and son like this in public. He said, it spoils the image of the army. After that, Wadi's father was blindfolded and given food and water. The soldiers later handed the father and son over to the Palestinian police. Later the police questioned them and released them. Meanwhile, various human rights organizations around the world have strongly condemned this incident.