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Why was the wife surprised to open the delivery box given by the husband?

The husband wanted to surprise his wife on her birthday. Surprised his wife really

The Dhaka Times Desk Husband can give gift to wife. It is natural that the wife will also be delighted to see the gift box given by the husband. But the surprising thing is that the wife was surprised to open the delivery box given by the husband?

স্বামী দেওয়া ডেলিভারি বক্স খুলে কেনো চমকে গেলেন স্ত্রী? 1

The husband wanted to surprise his wife on her birthday. Surprised his wife really. Maybe he never expected such a surprise on his birthday. Emily McGuire from North Carolina, USA loves to shop online. Every week he buys something from online shopping. Amazon sources most of its purchases. Almost every week a box arrives at his address from Amazon.

Amazon also sent a delivery box for Emily on the morning of her birthday. It read, Emily McGuire, 1234 Birthday Lane, Happy Birthday, 2U! At first, Emily was a little surprised to see such a strange writing. But in the rush to open the box, he didn't care about those things at all.

A strange incident happened when the box was opened! The box seems to be breaking and sticking to the fingers. The broken pieces of the box in the face of Emily Tajjab! This is looking at the cake! It's not actually the box! Husband sent such a surprise box for her! The chocolate cake looks like Amazon's delivery box! Emily shared the matter on Facebook after seeing her husband's behavior. The picture of that strange Darshan cake went viral instantly.

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