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Foods to eat to increase platelets of dengue patients

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is increasing this year

The Dhaka Times Desk The dengue situation is deteriorating day by day across the country. This dengue fever has spread from the capital to 59 districts of the country. Know the foods to eat to increase platelets in dengue patients.

ডেঙ্গু রোগিদের প্লাটিলেট বাড়াতে খেতে হবে যেসব খাবার 1

The dengue situation is deteriorating day by day across the country. This dengue fever has spread from the capital to 59 districts of the country. Know the foods to eat to increase platelets in dengue patients.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is increasing this year. The number of platelets in the patient's blood is very low. Experts say that if dengue is treated properly from the beginning and given the right amount of fluids, dengue will not become fatal. Various studies have shown that eating certain foods can increase these platelets.

More liquid food

Along with water, dengue patients should consume plenty of fluids such as orange juice, lemon juice, ginger water, canned water and saline to keep the body hydrated.


Due to the high amount of nutrients in pomegranate, consuming it will increase the body's energy.

herbal tea

Ginger and cinnamon are rich in antioxidants. That is why they are especially helpful in reducing fever. It also reduces the weakness of the patient. In case of dengue fever, give the patient herbal tea made from these ingredients.

papaya leaves

Papaya leaf juice is recommended for dengue patients in different countries of the world. The chymopapin and papain contained in it help in normalizing platelet count and blood circulation. That's why the fruit should be cleaned well by tearing the leaves from a papaya tree. Then grind the leaves in a clean sheet or blend in a blender machine. Now strain the juice well. One cup of this mixture should be consumed 3 times a day. If it is difficult to eat, it can be mixed with a little honey. Moreover, these leaves can be boiled and its water can also be consumed.


Dengue patients should be given vegetable soups made with different types of vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, carrots. It will help in strengthening the body by reducing the weakness of the patient.

To avoid the risk of dengue, even if it is a low temperature fever, you must consult a specialist.

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