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Avoid stroke

Strokes are basically of two types, ischemic and hemorrhagic

The Dhaka Times Desk When blood flow to our brain is interrupted or our oxygen deficiency increases, our brain cells die. And our condition is called stroke.

স্ট্রোক থেকে বাঁচুন 1

Stroke is one of our most familiar diseases. Almost all of us are aware of this disease. Stroke is an alarming epidemic all over the world that we all shudder to hear. About seven million people worldwide suffer from stroke every year, which has a greater impact than any other disease. About 160,000 people die every year due to stroke. The effect of this disease is noticeable in our country too. In addition to the fear of death, a stroke patient is also at risk of becoming permanently disabled.

Strokes are basically of two types, ischemic and hemorrhagic. If the blood vessel in our brain is ruptured for some reason then we have a stroke known as hemorrhagic stroke. Many times the blood flow to our brain stops and this stroke is called ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. The rate of ischemic stroke is about 80 percent.

The symptoms of this disease can be presented to us in different ways. Sudden loss of vision, difficulty swallowing, inability to walk, body paralysis, paralysis on one side, we all need to seek treatment as soon as possible. In the moments before a stroke, we may experience such small symptoms as sleepiness, double vision, vomiting or nausea that we should not ignore.

Many of us can have a mini stroke called Transient Ischemic Attack abbreviated as TIA. This can be a warning message to us before we have a boor type stroke. In such a situation, we need to consult a doctor immediately. Among us, those who have had a stroke have the highest risk of having a repeat stroke, which is 15% in the first year and can decrease to 5% in the following years, and again at any time.

We can easily get rid of this stroke epidemic. All of us awareness and proper lifestyle can protect ourselves from this terrible disease. Knowing that we have high blood pressure problem is one of the reasons for our stroke, we need to prepare the body properly. Besides, if there is diabetes in the body, we have to control it. If the amount of cholesterol in our body is high, we have problems with blood circulation, as a result of which our risk of stroke will increase several times.

We should exercise regularly so that our blood pressure, blood circulation, and blood cholesterol level in our body are normal. We should all exercise at least 30 minutes a day. By regular exercise we can protect our body from stroke.

Apart from smoking, we should also stay away from drinking alcohol. Excess weight can predispose us to stroke, so we all need to control our weight. We need to eat a lot of nutritious food, increase the amount of nutritious food. Foods with excess fat should not be consumed. We all need to be vigilant about our salt intake because salt causes us to have high blood pressure.

As soon as a stroke occurs, the patient should be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible so that he can be treated quickly. With timely treatment we can easily get rid of stroke.

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