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Solution to hair fall problem

We don't take care of our hair half as much as we take care of our skin

The Dhaka Times Desk Hair is an integral part of our beauty. Hair makes our beauty more attractive. But many of us have hair loss problem. Find out the solution to the problem of hair loss today.

চুল পড়া সমস্যার সমাধান 1

We don't take care of our hair half as much as we take care of our skin. As a result our hair is neglected. And due to this negligence we lose our precious hair. Many of us do not notice our hair loss. As a result of which our hair loss rate increases and we become depressed. We have hair loss due to various reasons, if we use excessive amount of chemicals on our head, if our head is wet for long time, neglecting our hair care, genetic problems etc. can cause our hair loss. Almost all of us face the problem of hair loss and there is nothing to be disappointed about it. If we take proper care of our hair, soon we will be able to protect our beauty enhancing hair from falling. So let's know some simple and affordable ways to prevent hair loss.

Almonds: We all eat almonds. It is a very beneficial food for our body as well as our hair. It can be assumed that our hair will be good throughout the year by eating nuts regularly. Nuts contain healthy fats and phytochemicals that play a role in preventing our hair loss. Also, almonds are rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins, fats, etc., which help to remove the dirtiness of our hair.
Onion juice: Onion juice is a very good natural remedy for hair loss. We do not fear any side effects when using onion juice. Onion juice not only prevents hair loss but also promotes new hair growth. Using onion juice also protects us from various scalp problems like dandruff, fungus and premature graying of hair. Many of us have premature hair breakage, hair thinning, we can also use onion juice for these problems.

Green Tea: Soak a green tea bag in hot water and then cool it and use it on your head. Regular use of green tea tea bags in this way will reduce our hair fall very quickly. Green tea plays a very effective role in strengthening the hair structure.

Spinach: Spinach is a food that almost all of us are very familiar with as a source of nutrients. Along with nutrients, spinach contains antioxidants which are very beneficial for our hair. It contains iron potassium, calcium, and magnesium as well as omega three and fatty acids which are very important for our hair.

Also we can use egg to prevent our hair fall egg protein is very beneficial for our hair and also by using ganja, amlaki, jam leaf etc we can get back our lost hair very easily. Jam leaves should be mixed well with coconut oil and then heated and applied on the scalp.

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