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4 Bangladeshis killed in road accident in Madinah, Saudi

The dead Bangladeshis used to work in a company called Al Fahad there

The Dhaka Times Desk 7 people including 4 Bangladeshis were killed in a road accident in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. The accident happened last Friday (August 22) around noon.

সৌদির মদিনায় সড়ক দুর্ঘটনায় ৪ বাংলাদেশী নিহত 1

The deceased Bangladeshis are- Suruj Mia (25) son of Jabbar Mia of Kadmirchar Union post office Kalapahari, his passport no. His passport no (BC 0574326) and Ujjal (24) son of Mokarram of neighboring village Champak Nagar union his passport no (BB0610598).

The dead Bangladeshis were working in a company called Al Fahad. They are residents of Kalapahariya and Kadmirchar Union of Araihajar in Narayanganj. This news reached their home on Friday afternoon. Then the mourning begins.

Saudi Arabia's consulate in Jeddah said that the vehicle carrying the victims collided head-on with another vehicle on their way to their home located 100 kilometers away after work in Madinah. This killed three Saudi nationals including 4 Bangladeshis on the spot. The driver of that car was a citizen of Sudan. He was admitted to the hospital with injuries.

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