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Crocodile eats watermelon!

The alligator lives at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park

The Dhaka Times Desk Watermelon is one of our favorite foods. Being a seasonal fruit, we don't see watermelon all year round. But our new news about this interesting food is that the crocodile eats watermelon!

কুমির নাকি তরমুজ খায়! 1

Crocodile's monstrous body, with a huge mouth Juicy watermelon is therefore very little to him. The watermelon twisted when bitten. This story is about a monster alligator in Florida. This crocodile's name is Bomber.

According to a news report from Deutsche Welle, the alligator resides at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park. The authorities claimed that this bomber is the biggest crocodile in the whole park. It happened a few days ago. Bomber raised his head while keeping his body in the water. A whole watermelon was thrown into his mouth. The watermelon was filled in an instant! The bomber also went back into the water.

According to St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park authorities, alligators have much stronger jaws than other animals. That's why the crocodile eats the watermelon in one bite.

One such video was shared by the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park Authority. The watermelon biting scene is kept in slow-motion and the enthusiasts are also having a lot of fun watching. So the number of views of that video is increasing.

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