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Even more difficult is YouTube's copyright laws

Copyright owners can't monetize creators' videos for 'manual claiming' tools that are 'too short' or for 'unintended use' of music

The Dhaka Times Desk The world famous video sharing website YouTube is going to make changes to its manual content ID claiming policy. The company also said that the rate of entire video blocking may increase under the new rules.

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Copyright owners cannot monetize creators' videos for 'manual claiming' tools that are 'too short' or for 'unintended use' of any music. Instead, they can prevent the other party from monetizing or even block the entire video.

Manual claiming is a tool you can use to catch your content thieves. This feature lets you know if another YouTuber has used your content in their video.

YouTube says manual claiming of very small music clips used in monetized videos is becoming aggressive. These claims are fundamentally incorrect, as they transfer all of the creator's income to the claimant. This new change will only apply to the manual claiming tool.

That said, ads while watching videos are really just called monetized videos. A YouTuber comes under monetization when he gets permission for Google ads on his videos after fulfilling all the conditions.

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