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Stadium rope is stolen in England!

This is what happened at Burton Town Cricket Club in North Lincolnshire, England

The Dhaka Times Desk England is a very civilized country. There is always rule of law. So we have been hearing that for a long time incidents like theft and robbery do not happen there. But now the news has come out that the rope of the stadium is stolen in England!

স্টেডিয়ামের দড়িও নাকি চুরি হয় ইংল্যান্ডে! 1

England is a very civilized country. There is always rule of law. So we have been hearing that for a long time incidents like theft and robbery do not happen there. But now the news has come out that the rope of the stadium is stolen in England!

It is really surprising to hear such words and should be surprised. Because England is well known as a civilized country. Other countries of the world have a good idea about this country. But this time a news in the media has dimmed the reputation of England. Such news is revealed about a country that is hard to imagine.

It is not new news that playground equipment is occasionally stolen in various countries, according to media reports. But if you hear that the boundary line rope of a cricket ground has been stolen then it is news that is as funny as it is surprising.

This is exactly what happened at Burton Town Cricket Club in North Lincolnshire, England. The field worker went to the field in the morning and saw that there was no rope on the boundary! A group of thieves pulled the rope through the bush!

The fact that the boundary line rope was indeed stolen was confirmed by the CCTV footage at the stadium. The club's communications manager, Oliver Mousset, told the media, 'The footage showed a group of thieves pulling the rope just below the bush. That is, they did not need to go to the field.

Burton Town Club's Twitter page also tweeted at the thieves after the rope was stolen. It read, 'The miscreants who stole our boundary rope last night are informed that the matter has been reported to the police. Lots of cricket ahead but what a job it is! The identity of those 16 people caught on CCTV camera is being investigated.

The authorities of Burton Town Club actually threatened the thieves through tweets. So that they get scared and return the rope again. But will they return the rope? This question remains.

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