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Japanese love Bengali: relevant words

The bloody war between the Chinese and Japan is one of the most talked about battles in world history

The Dhaka Times Desk Japanese love Bengalis as many of us know. But do we know the real reason? Do you know that the Japanese will always be grateful to the Bengalis for nation building.

জাপানীদের বাঙালি ভালোবাসা: প্রাসঙ্গিক কথা 1

We know that the bloody war between the Chinese and Japan is one of the most talked about wars in world history. The tragedy of this war was highlighted with a touching movie called The flowers of war in Hollywood where murder, rape, murder, poverty, etc. were all presented in a novel image. In 1937, the Japanese defeated the Chinese at present-day Nanjit. Later, millions of Japanese died and were killed in this conflict. After being defeated in the Second World War, they gave up this blood addiction and concentrated on forming their own nation.

As a result, Japan's fortunes soon turned back. Today, the Japanese have become one of the most civilized nations in the world. And a respected Bengali from Kushtia is playing a special role in the formation of this nation. The Japanese barely survived because of this brave Bengali. The name of this great Bengali is Justice Radhabinod Pal. Despite pressure from the Allies at the International War Crimes Tribunal, the Bengali judge's firm stance in the 'Tokyo Trial' phase allowed Japan to survive on a much lower compensation, which is still a precious memory for the Japanese. A memory that is still cherished and cherished by crores of Bengalis. If the reparations demands were based on what the judges wanted to impose, Japan would have had to withdraw the reparations by now. As a result, Japan would not have been able to form a nation if it was burdened with debt.

The then Emperor Hirhit expressed his gratitude that Bengalis will not die of lack of food and money as long as Japan exists. All the benefits of which we still see. Japan is still our unselfish friend.

People of Japan still remember that brave Bengali Radhabinod Pal. Kushtia-born Radhabinod Pal's name is still recorded in the textbooks of Japan, which is an absolute and glorious honor for us. Not only this, several memorials and monuments have been established in the name of the great Bengali judge which are still preserved in different parts of Japan.

Radhabinod Pal of Kushtia was a Judge of the Hague International Court of Justice in addition to being the Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University in his career. In all his working life, he was fair and courageous. During his student life, Radhabinod Pal was a student of his village school and Rajshahi College in Kushtia and later studied at Calcutta University. He joined Anandmohan College, Mymensingh as a lecturer at the beginning of his career. After some days Radhabinod Pal engaged himself in law business in Mymensingh Court. Radhabinod Pal is one of the best Bengali characters in the Netflix series Tokyo Trials where Radhabinod was played by Irrfan Khan himself. But none of us remembered this great hero Bengali. Let us know the history that Bengalis have laughed in the history of glory.

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