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Mobile connectivity will return in Kashmir in 15 to 20 days: Amit Shah

Life there is in a precarious situation

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Union Home Minister Amit Shah has assured that mobile connectivity will be restored in Kashmir in the next 15 to 20 days.

কাশ্মীরে ১৫ থেকে ২০ দিনে ফিরবে মোবাইল সংযোগ: অমিত শাহ 1

India's Union Home Minister Amit Shah has assured that mobile connectivity will be restored in Kashmir in the next 15 to 20 days. Life there is in a precarious situation.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah has assured that mobile phone connections will be restored in Indian-controlled Jammu and Kashmir in the next 15 to 20 days.

He gave this assurance when a delegation of Jammu and Kashmir panchayat chiefs and panchayat members met Amit Shah in Delhi.

This information was given in a report of Indian Express citing the Indian news agency PTI. It said that the Home Minister's assurance was revealed about a panchayat head named Nishad Bhat of PTI Juba. Nishad Bhat, panchayat president of Harvan in Srinagar district, located in the heart of the Kashmir valley, was also in the delegation that met the home minister.

On August 5, the BJP government canceled the special constitutional status of Kashmir and the status of a state by canceling Articles 370 and 35A of the Constitution. Jammu and Kashmir was bifurcated and declared as Union Territory. Fearing protests against that decision, all communications, including telecommunications, have been cut off in Kashmir since that day.

According to media reports, some restrictions in the valley are currently being relaxed. Land telephone connections were restarted in some areas last month.

Last Monday, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary Rohit Kansal said that 93 percent of the ban has been lifted from Jammu and Ladakh. Mobile connectivity has already been restarted in 10 districts of Jammu.

Meanwhile, in a meeting with panchayat representatives, Amit Shah also said that the panchayat head and members will get police security and insurance benefits of two lakh rupees.

Addressing the lack of security in Kashmir, Kupwara panchayat chief Mir Junaid told PTI, 'We have appealed to the home minister to guarantee our security. He has assured that the administration will provide us full security.'

It may be noted that after a gap of 6 years, panchayat elections were held in Jammu and Kashmir last year.

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