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Human example of the rescue of the buffalo stuck in the cry! [video]

The proof of human compassion towards animals can be found by watching this video today

The Dhaka Times Desk The proof of human compassion towards animals can be found by watching this video today. It will feel really wonderful. See how buffaloes stuck in the mud were rescued.

কাঁদার মধ্যে আটকে যাওয়া মহিষদের উদ্ধারের মানবিক দৃষ্টান্ত! [ভিডিও] 1

The proof of human compassion towards animals can be found by watching this video today. It will feel really wonderful. See how buffaloes stuck in the mud were rescued.

We love animals very much. Maybe we try to stay away from violent animals but that is not the case with all animals. Lions, tigers are some ferocious animals that can attack us and we try to keep distance from them. That is absolutely normal. Many times, many of us also adopt wild animals as our own. Then we don't have any problem approaching those animals no matter how fierce they are. That is, they behave like domestic animals.

We sometimes see videos of lions being reared like this. We are really surprised by them. Approaching one or more wild animals, feeding them and even playing with them, many times we ourselves are surprised by these scenes.

In fact, people can't - there seems to be nothing in this world. Just like humans bring down ferocious animals, even if they see an animal in danger, this person comes forward again.

In regions like Australia or Africa, there are forests where many animals and birds live. They consume their own food. Lions or tigers hunt and eat other animals including deer, which we often see on Geography Channel. Even today, such a video is presented to you, which cannot be said to be another example of human qualities; undoubtedly. Let's see how some buffaloes got stuck in a canal and lost their breakfast. See how they were rescued with ropes.

These videos feature wildlife footage of animals from Africa, particularly South Africa. It is in the vicinity of Kruger National Park.

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