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Police barracks are being built in Myanmar by destroying Rohingya villages

The BBC was able to find out from satellite images

The Dhaka Times Desk Police barracks, government buildings and refugee resettlement camps have been erected in places where Muslim Rohingya villages have been razed in Myanmar.

রোহিঙ্গাদের গ্রাম ধ্বংস করে মিয়ানমারে নির্মাণ করা হচ্ছে পুলিশ ব্যারাক 1

Police barracks, government buildings and refugee resettlement camps have been erected in places where Muslim Rohingya villages have been razed in Myanmar.

The BBC said in an investigative report that areas where the Rohingyas used to live have now been completely converted into government infrastructure in Myanmar.

Four such Rohingya villages have been fully converted into public infrastructure by the country's government, the BBC was able to learn from satellite images, the report said. However, the country's officials have completely denied such allegations.

In 2017, more than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims fled Myanmar to Bangladesh in the face of persecution by the Myanmar army.

Various international media and human rights organizations have repeatedly accused the Myanmar army of committing genocide and brutal torture against Rohingya Muslims. However, Myanmar has been denying it.

The UN has referred to this incident in Myanmar as ethnic cleansing. However, Myanmar has always rejected these allegations.

It should be noted that Myanmar is currently saying that it is ready to take back some number of Rohingya Muslims from Bangladesh.

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