The Dhaka Times
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An exceptional marriage proposal to the lover!

This time, a man has planted carrots in the ring he bought to propose marriage!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people take special plans to propose marriage to the person of their heart. But this time, a lover has made a little exceptional incident. He proposed an exceptional marriage to his lover by growing carrots in a diamond ring!

প্রেমিকাকে এক ব্যতিক্রমি বিয়ের প্রস্তাব! 1

Many people spend lakhs of rupees while proposing marriage. But this time, a person has planted carrots in the ring bought to propose marriage! That person has to sow the ring like sowing seeds in the cropland for a few months!

A man from Canada, John Neville, has shown such an act, although it seems unrealistic. John Neville was living with a woman named Danielle for about 6 years. Two children have brightened the couple's house in these 6 years. However, socially, Danielle was not married to John Neville. In the busy life ever 'will you marry me?' John Neville was not even mentioned.

So John Neville did not forget the matter at all. When his wife Danielle first became pregnant 4 years ago, John Neville decided to get married and bought a diamond ring. He wanted to present this diamond ring to his lover Daniel in a fancy way.

John Neville raised livestock and cultivated various vegetables. He knows agriculture well. John Neville first filled a five-gallon plastic bucket with soil. He placed the diamond ring in the center of the bucket and covered it with mud. Then a pencil is also used to make a narrow hole in the ground between the rings. He sowed some carrot seeds there. John Neville believed that carrots would grow through that gap in the ring.

That's exactly what happened after 90 days of waiting. Finally the carrot peeked through the ring. John Neville stated that 'Daniel was always reminded at work that Daniel was not proposed and married like everyone else. But we weren't really in a hurry. However, when the elder son Eric came between us, I felt the matter very much. That's when this thought hit me. I thought I'd do something in a novel way since I'm late. I myself wanted not exactly love, but I would produce the harvest of love. So I put a carrot on a diamond ring.'

John Neville then knelt down with the carrot ring. Then he said to Daniel, 'I love you so much. Will you marry me?' Looking at Neville, Daniel was a little surprised. Daniel cried when he accepted John Neville's proposal. This work of John Neville has already gone viral on social media. Not only that, this strange incident has been published in different media!

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