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The Internet will eliminate depression!

The Dhaka Times Desk To eliminate depression, doctors give many suggestions, starting from medication. But this sadness will be removed by the Internet!

The depression & the Internet

A group of experts from the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand believe that using the popularity of the Internet can help alleviate depression. For this, they are researching how to solve depression online. This news was reported by New Zealand's news-based website

According to the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, social networking sites are playing an important role in alleviating depression. In this regard, Judy Clements, the chief executive of the organization, said that around 1950, people would tell their friends about their depression by telephone. But nowadays people think of Facebook instead of telephone, where they can easily talk to strangers online without feeling uncomfortable or shy. Which acts as therapy for him.

Thus, experts continue their research with many arguments in front of them to find the right method. So that sadness can be removed through this internet. Source: Internet

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