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The price of a laptop is 9 crore!

Although it looks like five other ordinary laptops, this laptop has special features

The Dhaka Times Desk How much can a laptop cost? 50 thousand, 1 lakh taka? Or more? But this time it was heard that the price of a laptop is 9 crore!

একটি ল্যাপটপের দাম ৯ কোটি টাকা! 1

It's almost hard to believe. You may have heard about expensive laptops. 5/6 lakh may be a laptop. So have you ever heard that a laptop was sold for 9 crore rupees? Why the price of that laptop? Behind this mystery is a terrifying and fascinating story! So what is the story? Let's find out.

Although it looks like five other ordinary laptops, this laptop has special features. This laptop was auctioned in New York. It looks common but it is not common at all. Around 7 lakh crores of rupees have been lost all over the world for this laptop. Filled with all the terrible malware in this laptop!

According to news media, this laptop contains a virus that completely cripples the computer systems of 74 countries in the world.

Guo Dang created this awesome laptop in collaboration with cyber security company Deep Instinct. The laptop is named 'Persistence of Chaos'.

Deep Instinct has put all the terrible malware in this laptop. Laptops contain some nasty malware like Cry Ransomware. In 2017, this virus attacked computer systems in 150 countries around the world. Due to which the loss of 400 million dollars is achieved.

Apart from Cry Ransomware, this laptop also contains malware like Black Energy. This malware attack has disrupted the power grid across a large area of Ukraine and its surrounding areas.

This laptop contains iLoveU malware. It is also called Love Bug or Love Pak. In 2000, this malware attacked 10 million Windows personal computers in the Philippines.

This laptop also contains malware like Mydoom. About the year 2004. That's when this malware attack took place. It is claimed that Russian email spammers are also behind it. This laptop also contains dangerous malware like So Big and Dark Tequila.

However, special measures have been taken to ensure that no malware can be downloaded or connected to the Internet from this laptop.

According to media reports, Guo Dang made the laptop as an art piece. This Samsung laptop runs Windows XP operating system. Source: Anandabazar newspaper

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