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Storage of spices and vegetables

We are so busy with the pressures of normal work life that we don't even have time to take some time for ourselves and do a little shopping for the house.

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays we are living very fast life. In this era of modernization, all our work has become faster and more modern.

মসলা ও সবজি মজুদ করণ 1

In our busy lives we don't find time to market. We are so busy with the pressure of normal work life that we don't even have time to take some time for ourselves and do a little shopping for the house. We have to choose a path like hoarding or conservation as a solution to such difficulties. As a result, we market with a long list on holidays so that we can use that market throughout the week. Due to our lack of proper storage of vegetables or spices in our market, the raw curries in our market spoil very easily. Spices are not left out of that list. Our spices can lose their taste and smell in a short period of time. If we know a few rules or some proper methods of proper preservation then we can easily save our daily market spices and vegetables from getting spoiled.

According to various nutritionists and experts, one of the main reasons for spoilage of spices is moisture. If the humidity in the air is high, the masala can spoil, especially in the case of powdered masala, it works quickly. Many of us keep the masala in the open which should not be kept in a specific jar so that no air can enter. Many of us store the whole year's spices together in powder form, but we must dry them thoroughly. After drying the masala well, store it in an airtight box or jar. Besides, the masala can be stored well in the refrigerator. On the other hand, Bata Masala may get smelly or spoil if it is left for a long time. In that case, Bata Masala should not be stored for a long time, in that case it must be sprinkled with salt and kept in the refrigerator.

Garam masala or cumin should not be kept near the stove or in the sun as the masala may lose its proper taste and aroma due to the heat of the sun. A spoon must be used for stirring or scooping out the masala from the container, it cannot be touched with bare hands and we must ensure that the spoon is dry. We must use plastic or good quality airtight jars to store our potatoes and onions, but our onions last a long time. In many cases potatoes or onions may rot during storage, in which case the rotten part should be carefully picked and removed. Many of us like cashew nut and pistachio nut, in that case, to keep the cashew nut and pistachio nut good, we have to add a little sugar in it. The refrigerator is a very good place to store chilies, in which case the pods should be thrown away and washed in water. Chillies will remain for 10 to 15 days if the pods are left in water.

According to food expert Rehana Begum, if vegetables are mixed with vinegar in water, its functionality is maintained for a long time as well as its nutritional value.

Besides, many of us cut and store different types of vegetables separately. In that case all the vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator by giving them the right amount of flavor and then keeping them in boxes or airtight boxes.

When it comes to storing green vegetables, I can store my green leafy ingredients thoroughly in the refrigerator, but it is better to store green leaves for a longer period of time. In that case, they should be cooked and eaten fresh as soon as possible.

Besides, vegetables such as carrot, tomato, potato, mullein, cucumber etc. can be cut and washed separately and then stored in an airtight container, and if all the containers are stored in the refrigerator, the food quality is maintained for many days. In that case if tomato and mushroom are wrapped in paper it will last longer.

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