The Dhaka Times
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At one time 26 taka who lived the day is now a millionaire!

The 24-year-old Chinese girl named Wu Huan continued her studies day after day by eating rice with chili

The Dhaka Times Desk The world is indeed a strange place. One becomes a fakir overnight from being rich. Again, someone became rich overnight from poor. There is a story of a person who used to spend 26 rupees a day, that person is now a millionaire!

এক সময় ২৬ টাকায় যার দিন চলতো সেই ব্যক্তি এখন কোটিপতি! 1

His food allowance was only 26 rupees a day. He died for 5 years to save his brother. The 24-year-old Chinese girl named Wu Huan continued her studies day after day by eating rice with chili. This tragic story of his life war is currently in the mouth of many people!

Wu Huan's parents died when he was in school. His life started fighting with his younger brother. Although he is 24 years old, he weighs only 20 kg and his younger brother is also mentally ill. However, the responsibility of keeping his brother under the care of his parents falls on his shoulders.

After the treatment of his mentally ill brother and the cost of his own education, only 26 rupees was left for daily food. With this money, he had to pay for his brother's food for the whole month. So he had no other option but to boil rice and eat it with pepper. He continued like this for 5 years.

According to a report in the media, Huan recently went to the doctor with breathing problems. The doctors were surprised to see him. Why his weight is only 20 kg! Due to eating only rice and chili for a long time, he developed kidney and heart problems along with malnutrition.

The story of the woman who fought in the battle of life spread on social media and at one point it went viral. Many people came forward to offer their condolences. A group of organized sympathizers collected about 800,000 yuan for them. Which will be equal to about crores of rupees in Bangladeshi currency. So he now owns crores of rupees.

Wu Huan's home is in Guizhou Province, China. Wu and his younger brother were supported by their grandmother after their parents died. After his death, Huan lived with his brother for 300 yuan a month from his uncle and aunt. Although these two brothers and sisters received some subsidy from the government, it was very insignificant.

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