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Google Now Brings 'Paper Phone'

This phone was created by Google's Digital Wellbeing Experiments project

The Dhaka Times Desk Mobile phones are becoming more modern day by day. When you think of a smartphone, the image of a long mobile phone of various colors appears in everyone's eyes. But Google has now brought 'Paper Phone' which looks like paper.

গুগল ​​​​​​​এবার আনলো ‘পেপার ফোন’ 1

Mobile phones are becoming more modern day by day. When you think of a smartphone, the image of a long mobile phone of various colors appears in everyone's eyes. But Google has now brought 'Paper Phone' which looks like paper. After the word of this phone came up, the question is what is it? Is it a smartphone? Can it be talked about then?

Information technology company Google has brought a phone that looks like a piece of paper. It contains a lot of necessary information. This phone was created by Google's Digital Wellbeing Experiments project. It was named 'Paper Phone'.

Although no selfie can be taken with this smartphone, neither can the phone. The message cannot be sent again. Then how it will work on the phone, the interest has been created among the customers.

From contact lists to notebooks, from weather channels to maps, from photos to calendar reminders, all information can be stored effortlessly on Google's paper phone. Google has said that this initiative has been taken to free people from the digital world.

Although called a paper phone, it is essentially an app. Which is added to Google products like Android and Chrome. This app will help to collect the information that is very necessary in daily life in one place. This new app will gather necessary information like contact list or notebook.

Then the print out of that information can be taken again on paper. The useful information you have on your phone for the whole day will come to a paper. So you can stay with 'digital detox' through paper phone even away from information.

It has been reported that the paper phone app was brought to save common people in the digital age. The makers of the app said, 'This app is for those who spend extra time with their phone and want to balance their social life with technology.'

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