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Turna Nishitha and Udayan Express train collide: 15 killed

The district administration has constituted a 3-member investigation committee in this incident

The Dhaka Times Desk 15 people were killed in the collision between Turna Nishitha and Udayan Express trains in Mandbagh area of Kasbar, Brahmanbaria. The accident took place today (November 12) around 3 pm. Hundreds of people were injured in this accident. However, the names of the victims are not yet known. Fire service personnel are continuing rescue operations at the scene.

তুর্ণা নিশীথা ও উদয়ন এক্সপ্রেস ট্রেনের সংঘর্ষ: ১৫ জন নিহত 1

15 people were killed in the collision between Turna Nishitha and Udayan Express trains in Mandbagh area of Kasbar, Brahmanbaria. The accident took place today (November 12) around 3 pm. Hundreds of people were injured in this accident. However, the names of the victims are not yet known. Fire service personnel are continuing rescue operations at the scene.

Deputy Assistant Director of Brahmanbaria Fire Service Tanharul told the media that the number of casualties may increase. After this accident, all rail connections between Dhaka-Chittagong and Chittagong-Sylhet have been stopped.

UNO Masood ul Alam told the media about the accident that, 'There are 9 dead bodies at the scene, out of which 5 are men and 4 are women. 28 people were admitted to Kasba Upazila Health Complex, 2 of them died. 2 people died in Brahmanbaria Sadar Hospital. 9 people have been admitted to Comilla, one of them has died, 3 people are in critical condition. We reached the spot after getting the news. Rescue operations are underway. We have already opened the control room as well. Our locals said that around 100 people may be injured.

Meanwhile, it has been learned that the district administration has formed an investigation committee of 3 members in this incident. At around 7:30 am, Deputy Commissioner Hayat ud-Daula Khan confirmed the matter and told the media that initially it is believed that the Turna Nishitha train entered the line after disobeying the signal and hit the Udayan Express train. However, a 3-member investigation committee headed by Additional District Magistrate Mitu Maryam has been formed to investigate the real cause.

He also told the media that after identifying the identity of the deceased, each family will be paid 25,000 taka and arrangements will be made to reach the dead body. Also, all arrangements have been made for the treatment of the injured. On the other hand, it is believed that there may be more bodies under the twisted compartment.

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