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2 soldiers killed: US helicopter shot down by 'Taliban fire'

It is confirmed that the helicopter crashed and two army officers lost their lives

The Dhaka Times Desk US helicopter downed by 'Taliban fire' in Afghanistan According to international media sources, 2 soldiers were killed in this incident. According to media sources, Taliban insurgents claimed to have shot down a US helicopter in Logar province in the eastern part of Afghanistan.

২ সেনা নিহত: ‘তালেবানের গুলিতে’ মার্কিন হেলিকপ্টার ভূপাতিত 1

US helicopter downed by 'Taliban fire' in Afghanistan According to international media sources, 2 soldiers were killed in this incident. According to media sources, Taliban insurgents claimed to have shot down a US helicopter in Logar province in the eastern part of Afghanistan.

On the other hand, the helicopter crash confirmed the death of two army officers, but the US forces in Afghanistan initially denied the claim of the Taliban group.

According to a report in the media, after this incident, the US military authorities deployed in Afghanistan said in a statement that two US officers were killed when the helicopter crashed on Wednesday (November 20). The cause of the accident is under investigation. However, it is mentioned that the preliminary investigation showed that the helicopter did not crash in the attack of the enemy. The names of the victims were not initially released in accordance with US military department policy.

On the other hand, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a post on social networking site Twitter that Taliban insurgents shot down a US helicopter in Pangram area of Logar province. At that time, the helicopter was trying to raid a hideout of Taliban fighters, said Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid. The news is from international media sources.

It should be noted that the US forces have been working there for a long time to establish peace in Afghanistan and stop the terrorist activities of the Taliban there. But even then there are not always incidents like explosions happening there. Bomb blasts are a daily occurrence there. Suicide incidents are also happening from time to time. No matter how many steps the US forces take to stop the Taliban, the US forces are still struggling. Reports of terrorist attacks in various places are often seen. It has become very difficult to get out safely in Afghanistan. However, US forces continued to maintain peace there.

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